Success Story: Ethan

Ethan came to Learning Technics exhibiting signs of dyslexia and struggling with reading, attention and focus, and behavioral problems.
In six months Ethan’s grades had soared to A’s and B’s and he was receiving the highest marks possible for his classroom behavior.
Through the process of Physio-Neuro Therapy (PNT), Ethan found the tools he needed to thrive academically. The PNT exercises, while challenging, began to work Ethan’s brain in an entirely new way that finally impacted his academics in a positive manner. Within the first three months of receiving Physio-Neuro Therapy, Ethan’s parents began to see significant improvements. By the time he finished the program he was not only on level with his peers, but thriving, earning all A’s and B’s. Ethan’s improvements also went beyond academics, and he began to experience the highest marks possible for his behavior. Most importantly his self-confidence had dramatically improved. Ethan finally had the tools and resources he needed not only to thrive academically but to also feel comfortable with himself and in his abilities.
“Initially, I was skeptical…but I was determined to find a solution for Ethan, and it worked! By the time we finished the program, it was like Ethan was a new person.”
“Initially, I was skeptical…but I was determined to find a solution for Ethan, and it worked! By the time we finished the program, it was like Ethan was a new person.”
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reading comprehension. -
Improved 2 grade levels in
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Improved grades to A's and B's in
just six months -
Gained 2 grade levels in reading,
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Zuri Ann
Improved 2 levels in reading in
only 6 months -
Gained 2 levels in reading comprehension,
and improved handwriting dramatically