Physio-Neuro Therapy for Learning Disabilities

The History Behind the Creation of Physio-Neuro Therapy
In 1988, John Heath and Sally Higley, founders of Learning Technics, were like many other parents fighting to help their children learn. Despite trying everything, their two bright and eager children were struggling to learn in a traditional setting. They both knew the school system, and tutors simply weren’t enough for their children. They began to search for alternative educational methods and discovered new research that had the potential to help children with learning disabilities learn with greater ease and predictable success.
As John and Sally sought innovative ways to teach their children, they began to study and test the latest neuro-scientific research from dozens of academic disciplines, to include education, psychology, psychiatry and medicine to assist in compiling educational research. With the assistance of a program board consisting of MDs, PhDs, and occupational therapists, the materials examined and woven into John’s program derived from disciplines such as speech therapy, audiology, optical therapy, education and many others. The research and methodologies implemented in their innovative program were the products of many highly recognized leaders in their respective fields.
“My goal was to find these pieces and bring them together into a step-by-step program that would be highly effective and to make this program readily available to the many individuals and children who struggle with learning.”
–John Heath (Founder of Learning Technics)
As the components of the program were assembled and implementation took place, the initial results were not perfect, but they were substantial. They were onto something that was undeniable. This body of research came to be known as Physio-Neuro Therapy—a multi-sensory program designed to permanently correct learning struggles and help students lead successful academic and professional lives.
The Evolution of Physio-Neuro Therapy
When Physio-Neuro Therapy (PNT) was first developed at Learning Technics, it included exercises to address 11 basic neurological areas. However, the program has been updated and expanded to include additional components over the years.
Today, PNT includes over 100 exercises that can be used to treat various learning disabilities. This allows us to create a custom therapy plan for each student based on their individual needs.
This flexibility and customization are one of the things that makes PNT such an effective treatment option for students with learning disabilities. It is also why Learning Technics has been able to help so many students reach their full potential.
Since its inception in 1988, Learning Technics has been at the forefront of helping struggling students achieve academic success. The company's Physio-Neuro Therapy approach has shown quantifiable results in assisting students with learning disabilities. In 2006, Learning Technics was invited to present its findings at an international conference on learning disabilities at Oxford University. Physio-Neuro Therapy continues to evolve and show promise to help struggling students reach their full potential.
Since its founding, Learning Technics has used physio-neuro therapy to help students improve their learning ability and overcome academic obstacles. This unique approach to education has consistently proven successful, with students seeing an average increase of 43 SAT percentile points and an average educational gain of two years after just six months of treatment.
Learning Technics' patented physio-neuro training is based on the latest scientific research and is constantly evolving to ensure that it remains at the forefront of educational technology. This commitment to innovation has allowed Learning Technics to help thousands of students reach their full potential and achieve their academic goals.
What does Physio-Neuro Therapy Look Like?
Physio-Neuro Therapy (PNT) is a unique approach to helping children with learning disabilities. It is based on the premise that many learning difficulties are caused by problems with the way the brain processes information.
PNT involves multi-sensory exercises that help strengthen the underlying neurological processes a child needs to become a successful student. These exercises can include spelling, writing, and reading. However, PNT is not traditional school work. It is more similar to physical therapy. It’s fun and exciting. It’s a collaborative, interactive approach that helps engage your child’s true cognitive ability.
PNT can be an effective treatment for many children with learning disabilities. It can help them improve their academic performance and feel more confident.
Cognitive exercises are physio-neuro therapy’s essential part. PNT exercises are often multi-sensory, engaging different senses (sight, sound, touch, etc.) at the same time. This can help keep students more engaged and interested in the exercises.
The exercises are arranged in a step-by-step pattern, each difficulty level introducing additional elements. This allows students to progress at their own pace, mastering each level before moving on to the next.
As students move through the various levels of PNT, they will boost their natural capacity for learning and gain more self-confidence. This can help them overcome any learning difficulties they may have.
During PNT sessions, life management concepts are applied to help improve attitudes and behavior. These concepts can teach students how to communicate their needs, navigate challenging situations, and develop positive coping skills. Over time, these skills can help students succeed inside and outside the classroom. PNT can give students the tools they need to lead happy, productive lives. PNT is an effective treatment for students with learning disorders and can help them reach their full potential.
How Does Physio-Neuro Therapy Work?
The brain is like a muscle. When you need to strengthen a muscle, you must complete exercises that require the muscle to work harder than it has in the past. As the muscle works harder, strain occurs. The body’s natural response to this stress is to develop tissue that will accommodate the strain, making it possible for the muscle to do things that it previously could not do. Our brain develops similarly. Physio-Neuro Therapy works by building neurological brain tissue in areas where inadequate growth has occurred.
Physio-Neuro Therapy instructs using the mechanics the brain employs to turn teaching into learning. It retrains the brain to process information using more efficient pathways and controls the perceptual factors to make learning easier and faster. As the brain continues to develop, old neural pathways are replaced with new efficient pathways. The brain actually grows new neurological circuits and becomes denser as new circuits are added. This improves the way that a student takes in, processes, stores and retrieves information, enabling the student to learn more effectively.
Like a muscle, with proper training, the brain can learn to perform tasks that were previously not possible. PNT promotes the growth of new neurological pathways. This process is called neuroplasticity.
How will if help my child's learning problems?
Physio-Neuro Therapy works by building brain tissue in place where inadequate growth has occurred in the past. The brain is much like a muscle. If you want to strengthen a muscle, you would do exercises that require the muscle to work harder than it has in the past. As the strain occurs, the body will develop tissue that will accommodate the strain, thus making it possible for the muscle to do things that it previously could not do. Our brain develops in the same way.
Physio-Neuro Therapy stimulates underdeveloped areas of the brain, which is the underlying cause of the learning disability, through the use of specific, targeted neurological exercises. These exercises cause new neurological tissue to develop, thus strengthening the brain and making learning much easier.
A New Approach to Treating Learning Problems
We developed IQ Express to export the learning experiences of PNT. Our IQ Express and PNT allow parents to treat various learning disorders at their home, including ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Auditory Processing Disorders, Sensory Processing Disorders, and more.
The IQ Express approach is a new and innovative way to treat students with learning disabilities in the comfort of your own home. Unlike traditional methods, which focus on the disorder's symptoms, IQ Express concentrates on the neurological phase of learning. This unique approach has shown great promise in helping students overcome their learning disabilities and succeed in school.
IQ Express involves a series of physical and neurological exercises designed to strengthen the developmentally weak areas of the brain. IQ Express can eliminate the neurological disorder causing the learning disability by doing so. This approach has helped thousands of students improve their academic performance and achieve their goals.
Most people who struggle with learning problems are not slow or unintelligent. In fact, many are very bright and capable. However, they may be young students struggling in school, adults who want to do better at work, or even "A" and "B" students who know they could be doing better.
At Learning Technics, we take a new approach to treating learning problems. We believe that everyone has the potential to learn, regardless of their current ability level. With our help, people can overcome their learning difficulties and achieve their goals.
We start our program with an evaluation by a Learning Technics professional. This assessment will discover the child’s basic perceptual and processing weaknesses and gives us a baseline to formulate our customized treatment plan.
After evaluating, we will inform you of what areas need improvement. We will provide a customized solution to help your child find learning more manageable.
Learning Technics does not teach math, reading, spelling, or social studies. Physio-Neuro Therapy helps grow neuro tissue which changes how the brain learns, making school (and life) more manageable and enjoyable.