Auditory Processing Disorder Checklist For Parents

Hello Parents!
Today we’re going to talk about something that may or may not be familiar with you, known as auditory processing disorder (APD).
In a simple sense, this is a type of disorder that affects the way that the way a child (or adult for that matter) processes auditory information.
It does NOT have anything to do with someone’s ability to “hear” – as they usually have no disadvantages relative to others. It more so has to do with the comprehension of what they hear.
See, everyone has a dominant learning style that they were born with, be it visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
Visual learners have a preference of seeing materials in order to learn it.
Auditory learners best comprehend information when it is heard.
Kinesthetic learners tend to want to move and touch materials while learning.
In the case of a child who has APD, auditory learning is their least favorite method, as this type of learning is what they find most difficult.
In order to determine whether your child may have APD, we decided to provide you with an auditory processing disorder checklist for symptoms for this disorder:
- Weak reading comprehension, and dislikes reading.
- Brain is working overtime to decode the text, they do not understand the words.
- Difficulty following multistep directions – be it at home when you assign them different chores, or specific tasks assigned in school that are involve multiple tasks (Eg; in gym class, the instructor telling him to go to the locker room, grab the soccer ball, lock the door, and turn of the lights would be difficult to comprehend for the child)
- Child getting lost in conversations, not understanding the content while talking.
- Trouble understanding riddles, or understanding the plot in a movie.
There are plenty of more examples, but we’ll stop here for simplicity. In any case, symptoms do not necessarily have to relate to them “mishearing” something – it can be inability to interpret text.
If any of these sound familiar, your child very well may have APD, or at least have trouble with reading and listening comprehension.
However, please note this is not a “permanent” situation for your child! In fact, this is WHY organizations like Learning Technics exist!
When most people hear the word “disorder,” they think that it’s a condition that their child is born with and that they have for life.
In the case of auditory processing disorder, this cannot be further than the truth!
It is simply something that does not come natural to them, but they can still learn and become competent.
It may be considered a “weakness” for the child, but there is still plenty of room for improvement for them to become competent.
Think of the basketball player who’s naturally great at shooting but was not born a great dribbler.
He was not born with an “incompetent dribbling disorder,” he had to learn to work on his weakness (dribbling) in order to actually play the game at a competitive level!
Therefore, with Learning Technics, we offer a customizable system that helps children who have Auditory Processing Disorder, and other related comprehension issues when it comes to learning.
In the real world of communication, auditory processing is essential – be it in school or the eventual workplace, especially with the rise of technology and video instruction.
Learning Technics serves as the solution to not have this type of learning remain a so-called weakness in your child.
We are here to help – and we’ve done so with hundreds of children. You’ve seen our auditory processing disorder checklist, so simply click here for a consultation if any of our bullets sound familiar!
Learning Technics